Chocolate Chia Pudding

I am the queen of snacks. Everyone has their vises. I am a constant snacker. But I do not diet. And instead of recommending abstinence to anyone I try to come up with better food. This chia pudding is a great example of a better snack. No refined sugars and completely natural. Plus you can use the milk of your choice.
Oh and do you know about chia seeds? Well when you bloom chia seeds (or soak in liquid to soften and expand) they become gelatinous- like tapioca pudding which is what helps us create the pudding. You don't have to make chocolate pudding either. Flavor it any way you like. Plus they are packed with fiber and omega 3's, so have it for breakfast if you like.
Overnight Chocolate Chia Pudding
½ cup chia seeds
1 ½ cups your favorite milk (coconut, cow’s, almond, etc.)
2-3 tablespoons pure maple syrup
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
garnish: sliced bananas, chopped nuts, toasted coconut, pomegranate seeds, sliced strawberries, etc.
Place all the ingredients except for the garnish into a mixing bowl. Using a whisk mix everything together really well until all the powder is dissolved- it may take a minute. Then divide your pudding between 4 or 5 individual serving cups. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 12 hours. Garnish with your favorite toppings!
Blending option: If you prefer a smoother pudding, place all of your ingredients into a high speed commercial blender and blend! Then pour into your serving cups for refrigeration.
Note: Chia pudding is very high in fiber! If you are giving to children or someone with a very sensitive GI system try smaller portion sizes till you know it doesn’t cause disruption to them. Too much fiber can create constipation or bloating.
Plan Ahead:
This recipe needs to be made about 12 hours before you want to enjoy it because the pudding needs to set in the refrigerator. Although I have been known to cheat and sneak some early but it is pretty liquid like.