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eggplant pizzas




3 medium/large firm eggplants, sliced in ½ inch rounds

Oil spray

Kosher salt

1 ½ cups your favorite tomato sauce (jarred, canned or homemade)

2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese



Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. (375 convection)


Take your eggplant rounds and lay them down on baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Spray each eggplant with oil spray and sprinkle generously with salt. Flip the eggplant over and repeat on the other side. Bake uncovered for about 20 minutes or until the eggplant is cooked through and just starting to brown. Set aside and allow the eggplants to cool for 15 minutes.


Raise your oven temperature to 425 degrees. Spread a generous spoonful of sauce on each eggplant and sprinkle with (lots!) of cheese. Return to the oven to cook uncovered for just a few minutes – or until the cheese is bubbly and starting to brown. Enjoy immediately.


Plan Ahead:

You can slice your eggplant or even roast your eggplant the day before serving. But finish off the dish with cheese just before serving. (Although I did eat the leftovers the next day. Cold. From the tray. Shhhhhhhh)


© 2015 by Emily Cohen and

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